November 13th, 2020:

Shokufeh ZAMINI was invited to give a talk about the results of the two vitality projects as part of the online seminar “Zukunftsperspektiven im Fassadenbau, Tagung 2020” organized by the Vienna University of Technology.

Presentation title: „VITALITY“ + „VITALITY DISTRICT“ FÜR PV-Fassaden in der Frühplanungsphase

Seminar Website:

Seminar “Zukunftsperspektiven im Fassadenbau”

September, 28th 2020:

The Vitality District kick-off meeting took place as an online event, with 20 attendees representing all partner institutions. A special workshop session was dedicated for discussing with stakeholders building new neighborhoods.

Screenshot of the Vitality District Kick-Off Meeting, (c) Vitality District consortium

March, 16th 2021:

The consortial meeting after half year took place. The consortial partners presented the highlight from the first half year.

Screenshot of the Vitality District After half year Meeting, (c) Vitality District consortium
Screenshot of the Vitality District After half year Meeting, (c) Vitality District consortium

April, 21st 2021:

We had a fruitful digital workshop with stakeholders about the project and its targets and highlights until now. A session with interactive digital plattforms was dedicated to interact with 34 stakeholders.

Screenshot of first Vitality District stakeholder Workshop, (c) Vitality District consortium